Install Osx86 Without Ahci Vs Ata Vs Raid

Install Osx86 Without Ahci Vs Ata Vs Raid 3,4/5 2609 votes

This is a very quick guide which I made up. Again its not prefect, I’ve made this to teach on how to restore your MacOS X Snow Leopard disk which you have bought it for $29 to a USB Stick in order for you to run Snow Leopard Retail installer and install it on your drive.

Convert from AHCI to RAID without reinstalling. Someone755 Feb 21. Switching from AHCI to ATA mode without reinstalling XP? Solved Switching to RAID 0 without re-installing Windows.

Kextcache -v 1 -t -m /Extra/Extensions.mkext /Extra/AdditionalExtensions sudo kextcache -v 1 -m /Volumes/OSX86/Extra/Extensions.mkext /Volumes/OSX86/Extra/Extensions/ Let me explain what these commands do. A real quick, I am not going to go in detail as I just want you to get the basic concept first. Sudo here means run as su (super user) (which literately translates to super user do) (or as how Windows users will call’ em- run as Administrator). Chown here means that change ownership, that means we are taking ownership from the file to make it available for certain group of users.

Kextcache is needed to generate kernel extensions, which would be required by Chameleon in order to boot your Snow Leopard installation. Do ignore if it talks bout some dependencies are missing, its not a serious issue, just safely ignore those errors as OSX doesnt know about our EFI boot loader – Chameleon!

– Alternatively if Terminal is not your thing (or if Time is not your friend), made by Conti – which fixes Extensions permission and ownership automatically for you. All you have to do is to run the script! Note: If you can’t run the script type sudo chmod +x /path/to/script (or simply type sudo chmod +x and then drag and drop the script to terminal window and hit enter). Then only run the script! Patching Installation for MBR Disks ( Disregard this step entirely if you plan to do a GUID/GPT Installation) This step is meant for those who plan to MBR installation, that is to install Snow Leopard to a MBR partition. This is common if you’ve have used a pre-patched disc such as iAtkos, iDeneb, or those discs were created for hackint0shes (Personally, I hate pre-patched disc) or you’ve patched OSInstall.mpkg before to install from a Retail Leopard disc If you dual boot with Windows and OSX, chances are you’ll be still using MBR – unless you have done retail installation.

In order for you to install or upgrade on MBR disks. You’ll have to edit a couple of things. I’ve zipped up the required patched materials here (I believe its made by Kabyl, modbin and the crew of ToH). It and place OSInstall.mpkg in /Volumes/OSX86/System/Installation/Packages (Alternatively go to Next go to your USB stick (“OSX86”)or simply to make your its your System/Installation/Packages folder which is located in your USB stick).

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Not quite there yet – rocket pants. We’ll still have to patch another file. If you’ve done retail installation before (that is with Leopard), you’ll just have to patch this. However with Snow Leopard, apple has included another check. Now, copy OSInstall to /Volumes/OSX86/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/OSInstall.framework/Versions/A/ ). If you can’t memorize that simply select Go from Finder and select go to folder.

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