Form Template Installer Tool Sharepoint For Dummies

Form Template Installer Tool Sharepoint For Dummies 4,4/5 7735 votes

Conditional Alerts: I was working on a project where we want to use SharePoint Alerts to notify the users when any new items are added in the list but we wanted that these alerts should be sent based on few conditions. By default when we set alerts SharePoint allows to subscribe to all the changes and we can not mention any conditions on which alerts can be sent. But this can be achieved using the Filtered Views. Filtered views are nothing but normal views but they have been created with at least one Filter condition.

Once a view is created SharePoint allows to subscribe the alerts based on this view. Once a Filtered View is created users see another option by the name 'Someone changes an item that appears in the following view' where they can select the View on which they should be alerted. So now SharePoint will only send the alerts when any data changes based on the filter conditions applied in the view. Data Order in Alert Mails: We have customized the list form using InfoPath and it was required to change the order of the data in the alert mails. By default the alerts which are sent, dependent on the column creation. So the column which are created earlier are shown on top in the alert mail.

Great tool through which we can make advanced business applications on Sharepoint that require custom code development. Compared three different solutions and. Hi,on the attachment steps how to develop advanced Reques t Form and design request process of 'Employee Vacation Request' with Approval process workflow also b uild our custom task approval form.Required Tools: InfoPath 2010 Designer. SharePoint 2010 Enterprise environment.

But this can be changed by using the Column Order settings. So if change the ordering of the column the alert mails gets updated and the data will start appearing in the order specified through this. Gun barrel power dive rarlab. Subject Line of Alerts: The Alerts which SharePoint sent have Title in the subject line. If we keep the title blank SharePoint uses ID to be appended in the subject line for the alerts. Un-subscribing or Deleting existing Alerts: If a user has subscribed alerts from specific lists they can cancel those alerts.

The link for doing so is not been placed in a very obvious place. You can do so 1. Either by going to any list and go to Actions and under that Alert Me.

You will see a link with the title ' View my existing alerts on this site'. SharePoint allows to expose the same content to two different set of users with different URL's and with different authentication. This is called Extending a Web Application. I will try to explain this concept in this post. Lets say a company has a Web Site on SharePoint for Internal users.

The users access the site using a URL The internal users are using Windows Authentication to access the site. Now we need to expose the same content over extranet using another URL as The external users will be accessing the application using Form Based Authentication. This situation can be dealt using this concept. As we know each Web Application has a corresponding IIS Web Site. When we extend a Web Application another Web Application gets created which in turn also creates a new IIS Web Site. This extended Web Application uses the same Content DB used by the original Web Application. This new web site has its own Web.Config file but SharePoint does not copy the content of the original Web.config into this new Web.Config. So any modification which are done in the file needs to be manually done in this new Web.Config File.

Putting the links of some of the good blogs having good collections on SharePoint Questions which are useful for job interviews and your learning purpose. Also sharing some links where you can take up the test to check your knowledge. Here are the links: 1. Interview Questions on SharePoint 2010 and MOSS @ 2. Questions on SharePoint Administration @ 3. Beginner Test on SharePoint 2007 @ 4.

Developer Test on SharePoint 2007 @ 5. Test on SharePoint 2010 @ 6. Test on Enterprise Search on SharePoint @ Hope they are useful for you:). We all know Microsoft has invested significantly to improve Search in SharePoint and it has become a very critical feature for the application built on SharePoint technologies. Search has many difficult concept to understand. I have put 10 questions on various concepts on Enterprise Search in SharePoint 2010 which you can use to test your knowledge on this topic.